Dendra panoply
Dendra panoply

dendra panoply

From Greek boar tusk helmets to the first European metal helmets: New approaches on development and date. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes. Chronologie des mobiliers et rythmes de constitution des dépôts métalliques dans le contexte européen (XIIIe-VIIe s.

dendra panoply

Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission, 30, 4–42. The Atlantic Bronze Age in Southern England, and beyond: The use and abuse of weapons of the West, 1400–950 BC. Cline (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (pp. Les cuirasses de Marmesse (Haute-Marne), un artisanat d’exception. Rome: Istituto Nazionale di Studi Etruschi ed Italici. Stili decorativi, circolazione, significato (Studi Etruschi, Vol. Produzioni toreutiche della prima età del ferro in Italia centro-settentrionale. Cambridge: American School of Prehistoric Research/Peabody Museum. Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (Bulletin of the American School of Prehistoric Research, Vol.

#Dendra panoply series#

Warriors and weapons in Bronze Age Europe (Archaeolingua Series Minor, Vol. Studien zu den Metalldeponierungen während der älteren Urnenfelderzeit zwischen Rhônetal und Karpatenbecken (Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie, Vol. Atlantic cauldrons and buckets of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Western Europe (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Vol. The end of the Bronze Age: Changes in warfare and the Catastrophe ca. Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, 7, 23–100.ĭrews, R. Towards a relative and absolute chronology of the Bronze Age in Northern Italy. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 28(8), 156–190.ĭe Marinis, R. Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 49(2002), 149–187.Ĭoles, J. Geschnürte Beinschienen der späten Bronze- und frühen Eisenzeit. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.Ĭlausing, C. Buchholz (Ed.), Archaeologia Homerica 1, Kapitel E, Teil 3. Helmentwicklung und ein unbekannter altägäischer Bronzehelm. Stuttgart: Steiner.īuchholz, H.-G., Matthäus, H., & Wiener, M. Dietz (Eds.), Bronzen im Spannungsfeld zwischen praktischer Nutzung und symbolischer Bedeutung (Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Vol. Bronzezeitliche Kamm- und Hörnerhelme – Überlegungen zu Ursprung, Verbreitung und symbolischem Gehalt. This is all the more valuable considering that the sample includes finds from auction houses and private collections, which had never been examined prior to this research. The study is grounded in the author’s original documentation and analysis of all accessible helmets, greaves and cuirasses from Eastern Europe and is further augmented by several specimens from Western Europe. The chapter provides new insights into the manufacturing methods and uses of Bronze Age body armour by means of metallurgical analysis, use-wear analysis and a reappraisal of find contexts and chronologies. Metal body armour has been found in most of Europe, from Iberia in the west to Cyprus in the east and from Sicily in the south to Sweden in the north comparable specimens are also known from the Near East. However, most pieces of armour, including about 120 helmets, 30 cuirasses and 75 greaves, are to be assigned to the Late Bronze Age, c. The earliest known specimen of metal body armour from Dendra, Greece, dates to the first half of the fifteenth century BC. This chapter provides an overview of all classes of metal body armour from the European Bronze Age based on an interdisciplinary approach combining traditional typo-chronologies with aspects of manufacture and use revealed by scientific analysis.

Dendra panoply